A.D. Tubi Inossidabili, founded in 1997 nearby Como, is a key player in the welded tube manufacturing industry. Through over 20 years it has achieved a solid experience focused on quality, expertise and flexibility. The headquarters are based in Casnate con Bernate (CO), Italy.
A.D. Tubi Inossidabili is now part of Cardinali Holding.
Specialized in the production of welded tubes in stainless steel, austenitic and superaustenitic steel, duplex and superduplex, ferritic and superferritic steel, nickel alloys and titanium, the company caters to a highly demanding market, spanning the heat exchange industry to sectors such as power generation (including nuclear, solar, geothermal), oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical industries, and desalination plants. Driven by an innovative spirit and supported by its rapid growth, A.D. Tubi Inossidabili SPA looks towards the future with passion and commitment, ready to enthusiastically tackle the challenges of an increasingly competitive global market with its distinctive product line.
Brand Pillars
With “quality,” we express the excellence that distinguishes not only our product but the entire production process, from order placement to processing and through to delivery. This unwavering commitment to quality has solidified A.D. Tubi Inossidabili as a reliable entity over the years.
Expertise is what sets us apart, signifying both the extensive experience and in-depth know-how that each one of us brings to our clients and collaborators.
It also represents the high level of technological expertise we offer through state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities.

Flexibility is an attitude to meet the specific needs of our clients by crafting tailor-made solutions in the requested timeframes and manner, with the care we are capable of providing. Our flexibility is well represented by our ability to tackle market challenges through constant investments in research and development.
A.D. Tubi Inossidabili’s focus on quality is assured by the several international qualifications achieved: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015; ISO 45001:2018; PED 2014/68/EU; AD 2000-Merkblatt W0; NORSOK M-650 and Approval manufacturer Certification by: DNV GL; Lloyd’s; RINA; KR.
Two in-house modernly equipped labs and a complete array of testing devices, along with trained and skilled personnel, ensure the superior level of its tubing and certifies the international success of the company.
Free-spirited and fast growing, A.D. Tubi Inossidabili SPA looks at the future with passion and commitment, ready to face with enthusiasm the challenge of an increasingly competitive global market with our advanced tubes.

PED 2014/68/EU Annex I, Section 4.3 AD2000 W0 and EN764-5, Para. 4.2
Manufacturer approved by RINA, Lloyd’s Register, KR Register, DNV, Norsok M-650. Product compliance to EU Commission Regulation no. 2023/2006 on good manufacturing practices for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food (GMP).

ISO 9001
ISO 14001 / ISO 45001